Thursday, September 8, 2011


These are very exciting times for Pine Hollow and it seems that everybody is talking about trees these days!

For those fans of PHA who are reading this blog, we are providing links to two recent and excellent shows broadcast on public radio. You can stream these over your computer, or download them on to an MP3 player and podcast while driving, walking or exercising!
OnPoint With Tom Ashbrook originates at WBUR in Boston. A recent show featured the author Richard Horan, who wrote a book called Seeds - Trees That Inspired America's Literary Greats. Horan lives and teaches in upstate NY. As described in the show the author has made arrangements with Brian Sayers, who is President of New York State Arborists, to grow trees from the seeds gathered at or around the homes of important American writers. The "offspring" will eventually be sold to support public education and research activities similar to what we are doing at the Pine Hollow Arboretum.

Philadelphia is a very important city in the history of public horticulture in the United States. WHYY, a public radio station based in that city, recently aired a show, on Radio Times, titled Planting And Protecting Trees. This show featured several important arborists and horticulturists, including Paul Meyer, director of the Morris Arboretum at The University of Pennsylvania and Drew Becher, President of the Pennsylvania Society.

If you do check out these shows, please post your reaction at our blog. Also, please send us any links to "Tree Talk" that you think friends and supporters of Pine Hollow might enjoy and learn from!

Paul Winkeller, PHA Board Member

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