Celebrate nature with poetry at the beautiful Pine Hollow Arboretum in Slingerlands, New York.
A late summer Friday evening event sponsored by the Arboretum will feature John Abbuhl and Alan Casline from the Arboretum and a host of other local poets. The event is being held indoors at the Pine Hollow Arboretum building at 16 Maple Ave. on Friday, August 14, 2009 beginning at 7:30pm and ending at 10 pm. Early arrivals are welcome to sign-in at the headquarters and visit the grounds. Light refreshments will be provided by the Arboretum members. Poets scheduled to appear are Ron Pavoldi, Rachael Ikins, Marion Menna, Susan Morse, Alan Casline, Tim Verhaegen, John Abbuhl, Mimi Moriarty, Tim Lake, Edie Abrams, Obeeduid, Joyce Schreiber and others. The contents of this event are biodegradable and will leave only wordprints.
Contact Alan Casline at ACASLINE@aol.com or Pine Hollow Arboretum at Pinehollowarb@aol.com for more information.
What am I? I am what is
that I have helped along
the children that have grown to be
and have begot their own.
I am the grasses and the trees
a landscape all its own
that shows its flowers to the world
and pleasures those that see.
And I’ve been there with helping hand
to save a special land
so those that come in future days
can sense that fortune favored them,
By saving beauty to behold
above a daily life
and thus give meaning much apart
from what all, that’s only strife.
For vision is a gift of mind
that comes from all before
and flowers at each future time
connecting all that’s right.
John W. Abbuhl
24 May’03
hillside maples
forest of plantings
photo of Dad
bucket to move small trees
shovel a stave
one hand holds straight the tree top
gentle urge to grow
one of these tall trees
is the one in the photo
still reckoned young
twenty-five years later
Alan Casline
Springs Hollow, New York