Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Art at the Arboretum

Pine Hollow Arboretum
an exhibit of visual arts
by local artists
at the Arboretum

Maple Avenue entrance
16 Maple Avenue
Sunday July 19, 2009
from 2 to 5 pm
Public Welcome

light refreshments
music by Mike Harrison

children’s clothesline art show
Merrick Hosford
Phoebe Hosford
Joseph Acquario
Lora Acquario
Stephenanie Acquario
Lian Creaser
Justin Creaser
Gavin Creaser
Brenden Creaser
Stephen Acquario
Jack Acquario

Featured Local Artists

Robert E. Lynck
Ellie Prakken
Mike Whalen
Penny Koberger
Evonne Lutkus
Tom Bailey
Laura Strong
Virginia Acquario
Alan Casline
Joyce Schreiber
Daniel Schreiber
Barbara Hatch Vink
Tom Corrado
Rachael Ikins
William Hetzer
Celia Whalen
Denie Whalen
M.J. Adelman

Guided tours led by Pine Hollow Arboretum
planter & founder John Abbuhl
at 2:30 and at 4:00 pm

Monday, June 15, 2009


We at the Pine Hollow Arboretum invited our neighbors to an Open House . We invited then to visit with the promise that we would love to show them around. On Sunday June 14, 2009 (with the nicest stretch of weather on a raining weekend) we had visitors come by to enjoy the sunshine and our many trails found on 25 acres of trees in a natural setting. We had 38 visitors, mostly from right around the Arboretum which made it a great success from our public relations stand point. Without exception they were enthusiastic and anxious to support the mission and kept talking about ways to help in the future. We have several tours planned for neighbors who could not come this weekend and a meeting with the Science Supervisor for the Bethlehem School District who wants to tour and then work on a curriculum for students of varying levels. All in a good direction and feeling of support! Thanks again for a successful Open House.
--- Kate Abbuhl

Couldn't make it to the Open House. Send us your e-mail address if you want to stay informed about opportunities and events
Keep viewing our blog for news on upcoming events.

Access and Educational tours by appointment.
Call (518) 439-6472

Slingerlands now has a unique forest environment, which we hope to preserve in perpetuity for the benefit of our community, town and bioregion. If you don't know about the Pine Hollow Arboretum let us introduce ourselves to you, our neighbors. We want you to know about what we are doing, how we aspire to be a world-class environmental education resource and suggest ways you might become involved as the organization takes shape and begins to grow.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Click on map to get larger image. Any photo or illustration in the left-hand column can be enlargered by clicking on it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yellowwood, A Rare Tree -- Now In Bloom

American Yellowwood ( Cladrastis kentukea) is a mid-sized deciduous tree. Apparently it also has the scientific name Cladrastic lutea. Common names besides Yellowwood are Gopherwood and Vergilia. Andre Micheaux, the French botanist discovered the Yellowwood Tree near Fort Blount, Tennessee in 1796. I don't think it is considered likely that it is the Gopherwood mentioned in the Bible as the material that the Tower of Babel and Noah's Ark were made of. It could be where the common name came from however. American Yellowwood is called "One of the rarested trees in the eastern United States." Not native to our biota, an article I read said "many people have never seen the tree in bloom." A North Carolina botanist wrote he found only one in the wild after years of looking. Native habitate for the tree is wide but there are only a few trees scattered over large areas mostly in the upper South and in the Ozark region of Arkansas. In the wild the tree is imperiled or vulnerable. Officially the species is classified as Endangered by Illinois and Threatened by Indiana. Rare in the wild and seldom planted in yards.

Pine Hollow Arboretum is fortunate to have a mature example of this beautiful tree. The tree has wisteria-like foot-long flowers usually white but they can be pink. They do not bloom every year. The fruits are long bean-like pods. The plant is part of the Legume family and is therefore distantly related to Locusta and Red Buds. Dye makers have used the bright yellow heart wood to make yellow dye. Great chance to come by and see a mature tree in full bloom which is a stunning sight.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Signs Delivered

I finished up on the signs for the Arboretum today and brought them over to be set up. John and Kate weren't around so I just went and put them up myself. I forgot to bring my map but I think I remembered where everything was. Here is the result. (see photo above) Thanks, Alan Casline