Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Snow and freezing weather got you stuck indoors?  Take a John Abbuhl led tour of Pine Hollow Arboretum on YouTube anytime of the year.  Enjoy the images of the Arboretum while learning more about the natural history and individual trees on the grounds. Use the link below or go to the arboretum website home page (pinehollowarboretum.org) and click on the Pine Hollow Arboretum Video Tours heading under "Links".  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Channel 13 News Interviews John Abbuhl About Pine Hollow Arboretum

Phil Bayly of Sunday Forum 13, Channel 13 News interviews John Abbuhl about Pine Hollow Arboretum. Show is set to air Sunday, November 24 at 6:00 a.m. If you're not an early riser you can watch it from the WNYT website (www.wnyt.com) once the T.V. station posts it later that day. Look for it under the Forum 13 heading off the home page.
Congratulations John and thank you Helen Figge for making this happen!